March 2013 General Meeting

Monthly Meeting MinutesMarch 25, 2013 Lovely Lane Church

Officers’ Reports

PRESENT: 18 people were in attendance at the meeting, including presenters.

CALL TO ORDER: Jeanne Knight called the meeting to order at 7:13pm.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Peter Duvall stated that the current available balance is $6,424.53.


Charles Village Community Benefits District

David Hill presented the draft financial plan for fiscal year 2014. The plan will go to the public for input on April 23. The Board will approve the plan in early May and the City Board of Estimates will make it official in June.

The program committee recommended maintaining the sanitation and safety programs (at 60 hours per week) at their current level, but it was found that was not possible. In order to maintain the safety program at its current level, sanitation staff will be reduced, as would bulk trash and alley cleaning. Communications would be reduced. Other cuts are also recommended.

Jane Shipley asked about the Rat Abatement Program and David confirmed it would be maintained at current levels. Peter Duvall asked about tax receipts, which are up around $8,000.

Several people asked about 311 and David stated the CVCBD cannot submit 311 requests directly.

MOTION: Jane Shipley motioned that Jeanne would email Valentina, the 311 administrator, about the situation and escalate the matter if necessary. Bob seconded. The motion PASSED unanimously.

Old and Ongoing Business

Charles Village Community Benefits District (CVCBD)

Jeanne stated she would like to put together a Graffiti Taskforce to clean up prior to the garden walk.

Comprehensive Rezoning

Peter Duvall informed the Association that the Planning Commission made its final recommendations, so the bill is now with the City Council. We won victories on blocks of Howard Street, 25th ½ Street and Mace Street, and most OR-2 was downzoned to OR-1. We did not get the 2400 block of Saint Paul zoned OR. We got commercial zoning removed from porch front rowhouses on 25th Street but office uses are still included.

MOTION: Phil made a motion to continue to pursue our original recommendations on 25th Street. Jeanne seconded. The motion PASSED unanimously.

25th Street Station

Jeanne stated that we would be monitoring the court case very closely.

Community Garden

Cathleen O’Neal stated that the fence was almost complete, with the help of Larry Principe. Only the gate needs to be completed. The garden has full membership. Mulching will continue April 6. A banner has been put up on the new fence. Cathleen is submitting the grant report to Parks & People this week.

Land Use Committee

Jeanne Knight stated that there was one BMZA case on the 2400 block of Charles Street for dermographic design. It turned out to be a non-issue because it’s a prohibited use. Peter said that a tattoo parlor would fit in the arts district, but not necessarily at the proposed location. Jonathon Maxwell and Kris Northrup expressed support for the proposed business, as did others.

Homewood Community Partners Initiative (HCPI)

Jeanne asked that a document be posted to the website about HCPI, informing community members on the process for applying for grants. HCPI has approached Bruce Willen at Post Typography to do the early promotional materials for the initiative.


Phil LaCombe stated that he has been working on adding committee pages to the website and is waiting on information from chairs. A page about artists and creative professionals in the community is in process. Jane asked about bylaws and Phil responded that they are on the website.

New Business

Vision Statement and Master Plan

Phil informed the Association that he has been working with Kelly Cross, Bruce Willen and members of the Old Goucher Business Alliance to put together a process to create a plan for the community. The Central Baltimore Partnership convened a meeting with OGCA and OGBA on March 23. A vote decided that Old Goucher would pursue its own planning process, independent of other neighborhoods. The planning working group will pursue working with the Neighborhood Design Center, which could produce a professional plan, but would require a fee potentially around $5,000.

Historic District

Phil briefed the Association on his efforts to coordinate a project with graduate students of historic preservation at the University of Maryland, College Park. The Historic Preservation department is interested in having students compile the documentation needed to pursue a CHAP Historic District with the City. A CHAP District would enable the community to benefit from a design review process for building alterations and new developments.

Jenny Hope stated that Telesis looking to find a consultant to create a National Register Historic District in Barclay and that it would help to work together.

Urban Renewal Plan

Peter Duvall informed the group that the chair of the URP Committee, Jay Orr, is resigning and that the Committee is looking for leadership. The process is driven by residents watching for violations. A request will be put on Nextdoor for volunteers.


Jeanne asked that the May meeting be moved up one week.

Jane expressed concern about the Graphic Imaging property, which is bank-owned.

The meeting adjourned at 8:46pm.


April 20 – Spring 2013 Baltimore Heritage Walking Tours

Old Goucher, Hampden, Reservoir Hill & others OLD GOUCHER - April 20, 10 am to Noon From College Town to City Neighborhood - When Pastor John Goucher planned to build Lovely Lane Church in 1880, the project was described as a 'cathedral in a cornfield.' What a cornfield it became! Neighborhood leader Peter Duvall will lead a tour of this largely intact and revitalizing community that is now squarely within urban Baltimore. Register: Limited space & reserved on a first come basis. All tours go rain or shine. Register online at Confirmations and directions on where to meet will be sent via email.

April 23 – CVCBD Financial Plan

The Public Hearing on the Financial Plan for FY 2014 of the CVCBD will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 on April 23, 2013 at Lovely Lane Memorial Church at 2200 St. Paul Street. The purpose of this meeting is to allow surcharge taxpayers the opportunity to review and comment on the proposed Budget and Financial Plan for Fiscal Year 2013-2014 beginning July 1, 2013.