Annual Meeting 2012

Old Goucher Community AssociationAnnual Meeting Minutes November 26, 2012 Lovely Lane Church

Attendees welcomed by President Jeanne Knight. The annual meeting was held at Lovely Lane Church at 7pm, Monday November 26, 2012. Topics discussed as follows.

Jeanne Knight, in the absence of Jason Pyeron, gave the financial report: current balance $7964.43 with $40.00 in dues collected for Cathleen O’Neal, Philip LaCombe, Jason Pyron, and Ning Pyeron, bringing the anticipated balance to $8004.43. Jeanne made announcements regarding a Police COMSTAT meeting, the zoning rewrite, and a zoning appeal for a new social services clinic (see attached).

Peter Duvall collected membership dues.

Bob Brent encourage attendees to donate to a Kickstarter campaign started by the Station North Arts & Entertainment District to raise $10,000 to rehabilitate 1 W North Ave for the Station North offices and Annex Theater performance space.

Joe McNeely presented a wealth of information about the Homewood Community Partnership Initiative (HCPI). He answered questions from attendees about the specifics of the program. See attached materials.

Jeanne Knight read a proposed bylaw change: revise Section 5.01 as follows: “01. Election: The officers shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The officers shall be elected annually by the members. The President, Vice President, and Secretary are eligible to succeed themselves twice, that is, the President, Vice President, and Secretary may serve for three consecutive years in the same office. The Treasurer is eligible to succeed himself four times, that is, the Treasurer may serve for five consecutive years in the same office.” Bow Nelson called a vote on the proposed change, which the members approved unanimously.

Bow Nelson called upon Cathleen O’Neal to announce the Nominations Committee’s slate for election to the Board. Cathleen read the following nominations from the committee: Jeanne Knight for President, Bob Brent for Vice President, Peter Duvall for Treasurer, and Philip LaCombe for Secretary. Bow called a vote on the slate of candidates and members approved the entire slate unanimously.

Derek Demaree provided a summary of the Charles Village Benefits District’s activities in the last year, including a major increase in the number of trash cans, a new patrolling program by off-duty police, and a setback to adding surveillance cameras due to errors on the City’s part. Derek announced that he would have to leave its board because he is term-limited.

Vonnya Pettigrew of Root Branch Productions announced a film festival event for children at the Autograph Playhouse.

Meeting adjourned.