January 2013 General Meeting

Old Goucher Community AssociationMonthly Meeting Minutes January 28, 2013 Lovely Lane Church

Officers’ Reports

PRESENT: Thirty-three people were in attendance at the meeting, including presenters.

CALL TO ORDER: Jeanne Knight called the meeting to order at 7:05pm.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Phil LaCombe gave the secretary’s report. He explained the new procedures to distribute the agenda and minutes on Nextdoor and announced the redesign of the official website.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Peter Duvall stated that the current available balance is $8,134.43.


Real Estate Development

Ian Parrish, a property owner and developer in the neighborhood, introduced himself. He recently purchased the former Eagle Bar at 2022 block of Charles Street and would like residents’ feedback on how to make it a neighborhood establishment. Parrish is rehabilitating 33 W North Ave with three upscale apartments and a ground-level retail space, and will include a green roof. He is looking for a local sculptor to make bicycle racks. Visit his website for more information.

Northern District Police

Major Sabrina Tapp-Harper presented updates from the Northern District. In our area there have been 134 arrests in 90 days, 5 for burglaries and 7 for prostitution. Officers are now doing shift change on the street. There have been no shootings since November. The Major asked that residents not store valuables in their cars. Call 911 about suspicious persons. Lately transgendered persons have been victims of street robberies.

Sarah Templin asked about increased police presence at the high-rise housing project at 11 W 20th Street and the Major confirmed that increased presence has decreased the number of calls. Kris Northrup asked about loiterers around clinics, smoking and dealing drugs. The Major clarified that arrests for loitering are difficult because loitering is only illegal within 100 feet of a clinic. IBR has discharged six patients for dealing nearby. Ian Parrish offered one or more of his properties for surveillance. Call (410) 396-2455 about officers who refuse to file reports. Sargaent Cheung works the Internal Affairs Unit, Monday-Friday 8am to 4pm.

Old Business

Old Goucher Business Association

Bob Brent gave an update on the Old Goucher Business Association, which is considering installing vinyl “Old Goucher Historic District” banners. Terrence of Terra Café says that Paterakis is looking to invest $150 million in development in our area. Peter said that it is likely the Penn Station transit-oriented development.

Comprehensive Rezoning

Peter Duvall stated that changes have been made in the final draft of the Comprehensive Rezoning. A section of 25th Street has been changed from office-residential to mixed use. The 2400 blocks of Guilford and Barclay Streets have been changed to allow two-family residences, though the Planning Department says the change was a mistake. Peter explained that off-street parking must be added with new residential units. The CVCA will hold an information session with our local planner on February 23, 2013 at 10am at Miller’s Court.

Charles Village Community Benefits District

Bob Brent said to call the Benefits District about safety incidents during the day because they may start patrols during daytime hours. Jane Shipley brought up a trash problem in 25th ½ Street and St. Paul Street by Village Learning Place. The location has been identified as a trash hotspot by the CVCBD and Bob stated he would follow up. Phil suggested CVCBD, VLP, OGCA and residents issue a joint letter to the City.

Jason Pyeron explained that the OGCA should express its priorities for the CVCBD budget by the February 25th meeting. Residents should email Jason and Bob. There will also be a public hearing on the annual budget, which will total about $650,000.

Community Greening

Cathleen O’Neal presented a plan to reorganize the community garden at 23rd and Hunter Street. There are two major projects. The first is to replace the fence with a $1,000 grant. The second is to build raised beds for the entire lot, which will be completed with volunteer labor. Cathleen and Peter will work out a way to take donations for the project and to sponsor gardeners who cannot pay the dues.

MOTION: Cathleen O’Neal made a motion for the Old Goucher Community Association to issue a loan to the Old Goucher Community Garden in the amount of $1,645.32, at 0% interest, payable in three installments of $548.44 annually on April 1, with the first payment on April 1, 2014, and the balance due in full April 1, 2016.

SECONDED: The motion was seconded by Jenny Hope.

VOTE: A vote was taken and, with unanimous approval, the motion was accepted.

Mateusz Rozanski explained his efforts to plant trees and shrubs on the 2300 block of Maryland Avenue and on surrounding blocks. Peter Duvall said that residents should make proposals for streetscaping projects. Mateusz is receiving 44 trees from Tree Baltimore. Jason has purchased a jackhammer to make tree wells. Mateusz asked that CVCBD water the newly-planted trees.

Sarah Templin asked about streetscaping for 25th Street Station. Jeanne said that the developer will plant trees on all sides of the development.

Social Services Committee

Jeanne reported on the most recent Social Services Committee meeting, where Sharon explained the work of the Charles Village Land Use Committee. Sarah will set up the next meeting.  Phil has created an interactive map of all the social service agencies. Yngvild Olsen and Vickie Walters of IBR and Karen Reese of Man Alive have offered to contribute information to add detail to the map. They added that we should formally invite the clinics to come to our meetings and request a list of the zip codes from which their patients originate. Residents should email Mateusz at socialservices@oldgoucher.org to add to the map. Recent expansion of Medicaid means that patients can be served on demand. Chris Shipley expressed concerns about zoning relating to clinics.

The meeting adjourned at 9:35pm.